
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Toulouse. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Toulouse, Constance De 27 March 986 25 July 1032 Capet, Robert II The Pious King of France Capet, William Taillefer Toulouse II D'Anjou, Arsinde Blanche
Toulouse, Raymond VII July 1197 27 September 1249   Toulouse, Raymond of VI Plantagenet, Joanna
Toulouse, Raymond of VI 27 October 1156 2 August 1222 Plantagenet, Joanna  
Toulouse, Rolinde Rolande de Autun d' about 696 750 Perracy, Childebrand of I, David, Habibai Ben Natronai, Heristal, Childebrand Lord of Perracy Duke of Autun de I David, Rabbi Habibai Ben Nehemiah Neustria, Bertha of
Toulouse, Thierry de IV Count de Autin 715 15 December 805 Martel, Auda Aldane Countess de Heristal, Childebrand Lord of Perracy Duke of Autun de I Toulouse, Rolinde Rolande de Autun d'
Toulouse, Wialdruth De about 799 834 Wormsgau, Rutpert De III Gellone de Toulouse, Guillaume de Saint Hornbach, Guibour Von