
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Thomason. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Thomason, Adeline 4 April 1885 19 July 1969 Kemp, Simpson Albert  
Thomason, Flarswort 1500 DEC 25 1542 LANCASHIRE ENGLAND EXTRACTED PARISH RECORDS Flatsworth, Margeret  
Thomason, Hugh 1518   Whetstones, Margery, Thomason, Flarswort Flatsworth, Margeret
Thomason, James 26 January 1897 29 August 1940 Holmes, Bertha M.  
Thomason, Lula Ann 30 October 1895 6 February 1992 Butler, Gene  
Thomason, Margret Elizabeth 1522   Cowbaine, John, Thomason, Flarswort Flatsworth, Margeret
Thomason, Thomas 1520 1609 Thomason, Flarswort Flatsworth, Margeret