
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Viney. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Viney, Abraham 1765 24 August 1820 Skiles, Rebecca Viney, John Claypool, Sarah
Viney, Dinah 1778 April 1850 Lewis, William Viney, John Claypool, Sarah
Viney, George 1782 1859 McVey, Catherine Kate Viney, John Claypool, Sarah
Viney, John 1738 28 June 1803 Claypool, Sarah  
Viney, Leah 21 November 1769 25 June 1858 Lewis, George Viney, John Claypool, Sarah
Viney, Mary 13 October 1784 31 August 1861 Perry, Adam Viney, John Claypool, Sarah
Viney, Mary Rachel 1767 31 August 1861 Lewis, John Jr. Viney, John Claypool, Sarah
Viney, Sarah 1771     Viney, John Claypool, Sarah