
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Coney. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Coney, Geoffrey 1420 1450 Copledike, Elizabeth Coney, Robert Digby
Coney, Marguerite 1550 1592 Pierce, Richard III  
Coney, Marguerite 1550 1593 Pearce, Richard Coney, Roger , Margaret
Coney, Marguerite 1568 1572 Pierce, Richard  
Coney, Robert 1397 1424 Digby Conny, Anthony Friskeny, Agnes
Coney, Roger 1520 1 January 1573 , Margaret Coney, William Langrake, Agnes
Coney, Thomas 1450 2 October 1522 Coney, Geoffrey Copledike, Elizabeth
Coney, William 1488 1 March 1557 Langrake, Agnes Coney, Thomas