
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Reade. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Reade, Dorothy 1568 1602 Poore, John Reade, Thomas Beaumont, Dorothy
Reade, George 25 October 1608 October 1674 Martiau, Elizabeth  
Reade, Mildred 2 October 1643 6 October 1686 Warner, Augustine II Reade, George Martiau, Elizabeth
Reade, Thomas 1278 1340 Roche, Alice De La  
Reade, Thomas 1300 1360 , Margery Reade, Thomas Roche, Alice De La
Reade, Thomas about 1455 27 April 1521 Cecil, Mildred, Beaumont, Dorothy Reade, William Pitway, Joan
Reade, William 1425 1466 Pitway, Joan Rede, Edmund James, Christina