This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Reade. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Reade, Dorothy | 1568 | 1602 | Poore, John | Reade, Thomas Beaumont, Dorothy |
Reade, George | 25 October 1608 | October 1674 | Martiau, Elizabeth | |
Reade, Mildred | 2 October 1643 | 6 October 1686 | Warner, Augustine II | Reade, George Martiau, Elizabeth |
Reade, Thomas | 1278 | 1340 | Roche, Alice De La | |
Reade, Thomas | 1300 | 1360 | , Margery | Reade, Thomas Roche, Alice De La |
Reade, Thomas | about 1455 | 27 April 1521 | Cecil, Mildred, Beaumont, Dorothy | Reade, William Pitway, Joan |
Reade, William | 1425 | 1466 | Pitway, Joan | Rede, Edmund James, Christina |