
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Howell. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Howell, Amanda Elizabeth 28 October 1856 19 November 1940 Hilker, Harry Henry Howell, Jesse Mansfield, Jane
Howell, Benjamin 20 September 1794 2 June 1858 Castlio, Mahala  
Howell, Charles Frederick 17 December 1879 July 1925 Cain, Olive (Ollie) May  
Howell, Daniel Jefferson 11 November 1861 1 April 1952 Dodd, Julie B., Howell, Mary Louisa Howell, Moses J. Claypool, Sarah Ann
Howell, Daniel William 14 January 1854 10 March 1938 Conway, Annie E., Wilson, Lina Howell, Eli Claypool, Eleanor "Ellen" Scott
Howell, Dudley Fletcher 18 August 1848 10 December 1936   Howell, Eli Claypool, Eleanor "Ellen" Scott
Howell, Dudley Harvey 28 August 1850 28 August 1925 Howell, Sidney Ella  
Howell, Dudley T. 23 July 1853 3 April 1886 Howell, Mary S.  
Howell, Eleanor 14 April 1837 Walsworth, John  
Howell, Eli 10 July 1819 10 September 1904 Claypool, Eleanor “Ellen” Scott  
Howell, Eliza Jane 14 June 1842 30 December 1891 Scrivener, William M., Howell, James Howell, Eli Claypool, Eleanor "Ellen" Scott
Howell, Elizabeth Ann 1 March 1842 31 October 1925 Howell, Thomas Josiah Howell, Moses J. Claypool, Sarah Ann
Howell, Elizabeth Stone 16 June 1825 28 February 1901 Keithley, Obadiah  
Howell, Emily Ada 20 June 1873 26 December 1904 Claypool, Burrell Stephens  
Howell, Flora 30 June 1891 22 September 1969 Butler, John Herbert, Claypool, Daniel Stephen  
Howell, Georgella 26 November 1860 23 December 1956 Burrows, William Harrison, Wilson, James P. Howell, Jesse Mansfield, Jane
Howell, Henry B. 12 May 1846 2 December 1919 Nokes, Sarah A. Howell, Eli Claypool, Eleanor "Ellen" Scott
Howell, Jacob S. 1837   Claypool, Elizabeth A., Howard, Mary Ellen  
Howell, James   1912 Howell, Eliza Jane  
Howell, James Henry 24 July 1848 17 October 1914 Glover, Elizabeth Howell, Jesse Mansfield, Jane
Howell, Janie Mayr 1871   Butler, William Rex  
Howell, Jesse 14 October 1825 30 January 1901 Mansfield, Jane  
Howell, John Claypool 19 February 1844 14 February 1912 Blewett, Mary Susan “Susie” Howell, Eli Claypool, Eleanor "Ellen" Scott
Howell, John S. 16 April 1840 22 September 1885 Howard, Nancy J. Howell, Moses J. Claypool, Sarah Ann
Howell, Julia Ann 19 May 1857 5 February 1929 Roberson, Elijah D., Howell, Jesse Mansfield, Jane
Howell, Lucy Ellen 15 February 1854 8 December 1935 Butler, Caleb Daniel Howell, Jesse Mansfield, Jane
Howell, Luther T. February 1859 29 November 1933 , Mary Howell, Jesse Mansfield, Jane
Howell, Mary Fanny 24 May 1852 1 August 1919 Puckette, Miles, Howell, Jesse Mansfield, Jane
Howell, Mary Louisa 27 January 1865 1923 Howell, Daniel Jefferson  
Howell, Mary S. 28 August 1852 2 January 1916 Howell, Dudley T. Howell, Moses J. Claypool, Sarah Ann
Howell, Moses J. 13 July 1818 16 December 1901 Claypool, Sarah Ann  
Howell, Nancy 27 January 1788 10 February 1864 Callaway, James Richard, Castlio, John Harrison  
Howell, Oval S. 15 September 1894 15 July 1957 Butler, Alex Clinton  
Howell, Patsy 1805 Crow, Russel Taylor  
Howell, Rebecca J. 5 July 1847 3 October 1928 Russell, John Howell, Moses J. Claypool, Sarah Ann
Howell, Sarah E. 20 July 1857 2 February 1909 Carter, Walter H. Howell, Moses J. Claypool, Sarah Ann
Howell, Sarah Jane 24 May 1852 24 June 1931 Rogers, Henry Harrison, Cassady Howell, Jesse Mansfield, Jane
Howell, Sidney Ella 7 July 1861 29 July 1909 Howell, Dudley Harvey Howell, Eli Claypool, Eleanor "Ellen" Scott
Howell, Silla Maggie 28 May 1864 5 January 1946 Rogers, Jasper Newton, Howell, Jesse Mansfield, Jane
Howell, Thomas E. 10 December 1845 16 December 1860   Howell, Moses J. Claypool, Sarah Ann
Howell, Thomas Josiah 9 May 1837 6 July 1903 Howell, Elizabeth Ann  
Howell, [Living]     Carver, [Living], Placencia, [Living] Howell, [Living] Parker, [Living]
Howell, [Living]     Parker, [Living],