
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Pope. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Pope, Araminta Adeline 13 February 1841 9 December 1911 Whitwell, Andrew Jackson  
Pope, Elizabeth 1495 after July 1556 Hervey, John Pope, Henry Johnson, Elizabeth
Pope, Henry 1465 before 1540 Johnson, Elizabeth  
Pope, Jone 1525 23 October 1609 Huckstep, Lawrence  
Pope, Mahalia 14 July 1828 2 May 1897 Whitwell, Jesse Curry  
Pope, Sallie Ola 11 June 1889 15 August 1985 Walsworth, Thomas Henry  
Pope, Susannah 1751 1768 Sturgis, John