
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Castlio. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Castlio, Charlotta 1797 24 August 1848 Keithley, William Castellaw, John Harrison, Eleanor
Castlio, Hiram 1806 1820   Castellaw, John Harrison, Eleanor
Castlio, John Harrison 4 July 1800 1 February 1873 Howell, Nancy Castellaw, John Harrison, Eleanor
Castlio, Mahala 3 May 1798 1864 Howell, Benjamin Castellaw, John Harrison, Eleanor
Castlio, Nancy Ellen 13 September 1805 9 December 1882 Scott, Felix Castellaw, John Harrison, Eleanor
Castlio, Ruth 1796 1860 Chambers, Alexander, McDermid, Frank Castellaw, John Harrison, Eleanor
Castlio, Sinai 2 August 1802 6 October 1855 Keithley, Absalom Castellaw, John Harrison, Eleanor