
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Tinsley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Tinsley, Aubrey C. 28 February 1885 2 April 1973 , [Living] Tinsley, Philip Amos Gipson, Helen Celess
Tinsley, Daniel Franklin 13 December 1876   , [Living] Tinsley, Philip Amos Gipson, Helen Celess
Tinsley, Lillian Rose June 1892 1 August 1957 Naylor, James Rawley, Tinsley, Philip Amos Gipson, Helen Celess
Tinsley, Mary Eunice 9 February 1887 9 February 1975 Slagel, Clarence Albert Tinsley, Philip Amos Gipson, Helen Celess
Tinsley, Oliver Pierce 23 September 1878 14 December 1939   Tinsley, Philip Amos Gipson, Helen Celess
Tinsley, Paul Carl 11 December 1896 April 1983 Ward, Jewel Tinsley, Philip Amos Gipson, Helen Celess
Tinsley, Philip Amos 9 August 1857 24 October 1943 Gipson, Helen Celess  
Tinsley, [Living]     Moore, [Living], Manry, [Living]