
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Eidson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Eidson, Edward 1738 1795 Morris, Winifred  
Eidson, Edward 1758 1809   Eidson, Edward Morris, Winifred
Eidson, Elizabeth 14 December 1789 3 August 1873   Eidson, Edward Morris, Winifred
Eidson, James 1760 February 1846   Eidson, Edward Morris, Winifred
Eidson, John 1764 1832   Eidson, Edward Morris, Winifred
Eidson, Richard 1768 1810   Eidson, Edward Morris, Winifred
Eidson, Samuel 25 September 1827 6 March 1885 Brown, Nancy  
Eidson, Suzanna 1785     Eidson, Edward Morris, Winifred