
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Waller. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Waller, Agnes 1534 30 December 1602 Kingsbury, James Waller, John , Crystyan
Waller, Alice 1424 1461 Guildford, John Waller, Richard Gulby, Margaret
Waller, Alured 1094 1183 Gumbert, Adelina Wallur, Alured De
Waller, Alured 1094 1183 Gumbert, Adelina  
Waller, Edmund 1536 10 April 1603 Ball, Cecily Waller, Robert Duncombe, Elizabeth
Waller, Edmund 3 March 1606 21 October 1687   Waller, Robert Hampden, Anne Ann
Waller, Elizabeth E. 1844     Waller, George Butler, Mariah
Waller, George 25 June 1805 1871 Butler, Mariah Waller, William Barksdale, Mary
Waller, Henry 1241 1271 Mortimer, Alicia Wallur, Walter
Waller, Jacob Carlo 2 December 1851 27 October 1936 Kent, Mary Elizabeth Waller, George Butler, Mariah
Waller, Jesse H. 1828     Waller, George Butler, Mariah
Waller, John 1125 1175 Waller, Alured Gumbert, Adelina
Waller, John 1365 1420 Lansdall, Margaret Waller, Thomas Chalfunt, Christina
Waller, John 1504   , Crystyan  
Waller, Manley Barksdale 18 April 1831 5 March 1914 Bridges, Nancy, , Edith “Edie” Waller, George Butler, Mariah
Waller, Martha A. 1836     Waller, George Butler, Mariah
Waller, Mary K. June 1838 15 May 1910 Delaney, William M. Waller, George Butler, Mariah
Waller, Nancy B. 1838     Waller, George Butler, Mariah
Waller, Richard 1406 1440 Gulby, Margaret Waller, John Lansdall, Margaret
Waller, Robert 1502 1545 Duncombe, Elizabeth  
Waller, Robert 2 December 1560 26 August 1616 Hampden, Anne Ann Waller, Edmund Ball, Cecily
Waller, Sarah Ann March 1844 1921 Gaylor, William W. G. “Doc” Waller, George Butler, Mariah
Waller, Texas J. 1836     Waller, George Butler, Mariah
Waller, Thomas 1272 1360 Keate, Anne Waller, Henry Mortimer, Alicia
Waller, Thomas 1303 1353 Clifford, Catherine Waller, Thomas Keate, Anne
Waller, Thomas 1330 1390 Chalfunt, Christina Waller, Thomas Clifford, Catherine
Waller, Thomas J. 1832     Waller, George Butler, Mariah
Waller, Ursala 1613 1654 Dobyns, William Rogers Edmund Waller, Robert Hampden, Anne Ann
Waller, William 8 May 1775 10 October 1819 Barksdale, Mary  
Waller, [Living]     Munro, George Eben