
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Stanborough. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Stanborough, Elizabeth 24 January 1686 1701   Stanborough, Peregrine James, Sarah
Stanborough, Eunice 8 November 1682 1701   Stanborough, Peregrine James, Sarah
Stanborough, James 28 October 1679 16 November 1703   Stanborough, Peregrine James, Sarah
Stanborough, John 11 December 1665 14 September 1725   Stanborough, Peregrine James, Sarah
Stanborough, Josiah 1614 1661 Wheeler, Alice, Gransden, Frances Stanborowe, William Paxen, Catherin
Stanborough, Josiah Jr 1646 1710   Stanborough, Josiah Gransden, Frances
Stanborough, Martha 1689 1701   Stanborough, Peregrine James, Sarah
Stanborough, Mary 18 July 1670 7 November 1719   Stanborough, Peregrine James, Sarah
Stanborough, Peregrine 1640 15 January 1702 James, Sarah Stanborough, Josiah Gransden, Frances
Stanborough, Recompense 1554 1621 Roade, Rebeca  
Stanborough, Ruth 4 June 1668 1689   Stanborough, Peregrine James, Sarah
Stanborough, Sarah 1635 17 March 1701 Osborne, Stephen Stanborough, Josiah Gransden, Frances