
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Mathis. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Mathis, Ann 1605   Carter, William  
Mathis, Cora Mabelle 30 October 1881 31 May 1951 Kemp, John Coleman  
Mathis, Julia 1818 1847 Fitzgerald, Matthew Vannerson  
Mathis, Marah B 1837 1867 Cranford, John Edward Mathews, James Booth, Marith
Mathis, Mary Ann 12 June 1839 7 May 1904 Motley, John, Manley, Caleb Washington  
Mathis, Mary Susan 1864 2 March 1956 Green, John Wesley  
Mathis, Mirriam Ann 1808 15 May 1866 Manley, John Alexander Butler