
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Thornton. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Thornton, Anna 15 June 1685 1736   Thornton, William Fitzhugh, Elizabeth
Thornton, Anthony I 1691 1757   Thornton, Francis Savage, Alice
Thornton, Elizabeth 1390 1460 Carter, Edward  
Thornton, Elizabeth 26 August 1672 2 December 1732 Carter, Edward Thornton, William Fitzhugh, Elizabeth
Thornton, Esther 6 January 1677     Thornton, William Fitzhugh, Elizabeth
Thornton, Francis 5 November 1651 15 February 1727 Savage, Alice Thornton, William Jr Rowland, Elizabeth
Thornton, Francis 4 January 1682 6 February 1682   Thornton, William Fitzhugh, Elizabeth
Thornton, Francis II 4 January 1683 6 February 1737   Thornton, Francis Savage, Alice
Thornton, Jane 1630 1725 Hill, Robert Drake Sr. Thornton
Thornton, Jane 10 August 1681 1776   Thornton, William Fitzhugh, Elizabeth
Thornton, John 1676     Thornton, William Fitzhugh, Elizabeth
Thornton, Judith 22 October 1683     Thornton, William Fitzhugh, Elizabeth
Thornton, Margaret 14 August 1674 about 1756   Thornton, William Fitzhugh, Elizabeth
Thornton, Martha 1685 1761 Catlett, Thomas Thornton, Francis Savage, Alice
Thornton, Mary 11 May 1676 1706   Thornton, William Fitzhugh, Elizabeth
Thornton, Sarah 1680 1757   Thornton, Francis Savage, Alice
Thornton, Sarah Alice 17 August 1679 1740   Thornton, William Fitzhugh, Elizabeth
Thornton, Viola Marie 1916 4 July 1966 Weaver, Paul Lafet  
Thornton, William Jr 1620 1708 Rowland, Elizabeth  
Thornton, William 27 March 1649 15 February 1727 Fitzhugh, Elizabeth, Thornton, William Jr Rowland, Elizabeth
Thornton, William 1680 1743   Thornton, Francis Savage, Alice