
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Austwick. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Austwick, Alan 20 January 1568 1 January 1621 Blighe, Ann Austwick, William Wood, Dorothy
Austwick, Jennette 1616 10 February 1660   Austwick, Thomas Wright, Jennetta (or Jennet)
Austwick, John 1505 1570 Wormersley, Elizabeth Asquith, John , Elizabeth
Austwick, Mary 1663 13 April 1697   Austwicke, Phillip Huntington, Elizabeth
Austwick, Phillip 1655 21 February 1710   Austwicke, Phillip Huntington, Elizabeth
Austwick, Richard 1620 1697   Austwick, Thomas Wright, Jennetta (or Jennet)
Austwick, Thomas 1588 March 1648 Wright, Jennetta (or Jennet) Austwick, Alan Blighe, Ann
Austwick, William 1535 1 October 1614 Wood, Dorothy Austwick, John Wormersley, Elizabeth