
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wollard. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wollard, Albert Orastus 21 September 1891 23 April 1982 Frieze, Cuba Alfa  
Wollard, Allen Barrett 28 July 1847 17 September 1918 Holmes, Narcissus Adeline  
Wollard, Barton Marshall 11 January 1857 24 January 1937 Holmes, Elizabeth Jane  
Wollard, Beverly Newton 9 October 1828 28 December 1847   Wollard, William Ross Dodson, Eleanor
Wollard, Elizabeth Jane 22 December 1824 22 January 1832   Wollard, William Ross Dodson, Eleanor
Wollard, James Madison 16 March 1840 29 April 1916 West, Mary Mandelia Wollard, William Ross Holmes, Eleanor
Wollard, Martha Ann 30 November 1835 1852 Saye, Thomas P. Wollard, William Ross Dodson, Eleanor
Wollard, Mary Caroline 28 April 1830 18 February 1908 Devin, Marion Green Wollard, William Ross Dodson, Eleanor
Wollard, Mary Madison 16 March 1840 1840   Wollard, William Ross Holmes, Eleanor
Wollard, Raliegh Alexander 23 July 1826 14 September 1847   Wollard, William Ross Dodson, Eleanor
Wollard, Sarah Jane 3 July 1878 30 August 1958 Butler, Daniel Robert Wollard, Allen Barrett Holmes, Narcissus Adeline
Wollard, William D. 10 January 1833 7 February 1879 Stockton, Cordelia Wollard, William Ross Dodson, Eleanor
Wollard, William Ross 4 October 1794 22 March 1864 Holmes, Eleanor, Dodson, Eleanor Wollard, Willoughby Fatherlee, Rebecca
Wollard, Willoughby 14 March 1761 19 May 1846 Fatherlee, Rebecca