
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lingan. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Lingan, Ann 1712 1750   Lingan, Thomas Cockshutt, Martha
Lingan, Anne 1683 1717 Boteler, Edward II Lingan, George Hardesty, Anne
Lingan, Catherine 1674 November 1725 Boteler, Henry, Normansell, Richard Lingan, George Hardesty, Anne
Lingan, Cecilia or Cicely 1621 1668   Lingan, George Owens, Mary
Lingan, Cicely Ann 1649 before 1708 Hardesty, George Lingan, George Hardesty, Anne
Lingan, Elizabeth 1714   Chapman Lingan, Thomas Cockshutt, Martha
Lingan, George 19 November 1599   Owens, Mary Lingan, Richard
Lingan, George 13 February 1646 1712 Hardesty, Anne Lingan, Thomas Cockshutt, Martha
Lingan, Martha 1673 28 August 1728 Wilson, Josiah Lingan, George Hardesty, Anne
Lingan, Martha 1713 8 April 1752 Hall, Elisha Lingan, Thomas Cockshutt, Martha
Lingan, Priscilla 1712 1734 Boteler, Edward, Lingan, Thomas Cockshutt, Martha
Lingan, Richard about 1570    
Lingan, Samuel 1724 1774   Lingan, Thomas Cockshutt, Martha
Lingan, Thomas 1620 1734 Cockshutt, Martha Lingan, George Owens, Mary
Lingan, Thomas 1668 28 September 1734 Cockshutt, Martha Lingan, George Hardesty, Anne
Lingan, Thomas 1712 1781