
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Asgard. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Asgard, Beltsa of the Trojan Lady of the Swedes about 194 288 Asgard Saxony Turkey and, Frithuwald Bor Or Fredalat The  
Asgard, Cadwalladr Of 193 260 Ferch Lleiffer Mawr, Gwladys Mawr, Lucius Siluria, Gladys Mawr of
Asgard, Geata Jat Troy of 65 Troy, Tecti Taetwattatwa
Asgard, Godwulf of 80 , Godolfr, Asgard, Geata Jat Troy of
Asgard, Woden before 215 after 252 Cadwaladr, Friege Asgard Saxony Turkey and, Frithuwald Bor Or Fredalat The Asgard, Beltsa of the Trojan Lady of the Swedes