
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Atkinson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Atkinson, Joanna 1676 1714 Pike, Joseph  
Atkinson, John 1636 1715 Cheney, Peter, Noyes, Hannah, Merrick, Sarah  
Atkinson, Judith 1568 Hill, Robert Atkinson, William Langstroth, Margaret
Atkinson, Lydia Elizabeth 1662 1739 Hollingsworth, Henry Atkinson, Stephen , Isabel
Atkinson, Mary J. 24 December 1842 1915 Butler, William James  
Atkinson, Robert     Crow, Rebecca  
Atkinson, Stephen 1630 1699 , Isabel  
Atkinson, William 1550 Langstroth, Margaret  
Atkinson, William 1550 Langstroth, Margaret