Von Brabant

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Von Brabant. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Von Brabant, Godfrey III Duke of Lorraine Duke of Leuven 1142 10 August 1190 Von Limburg, Margarethe  
Von Brabant, Henry I 21 March 1160 5 September 1235 Von Boulogne, Mathilde Von Brabant, Godfrey III Duke of Lorraine Duke of Leuven Von Limburg, Margarethe
Von Brabant, Henry II Le Magnimous of Louvain 10 September 1180 1 February 1248 Von Schwaben, Marie Swabia Hohenstaufen Von Brabant, Henry I Von Boulogne, Mathilde