
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Delashmutt. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Delashmutt, Ann 1753 1778   DeLashmuth, Elias Nelson, Elizabeth
Delashmutt, Basil 1752 1823 Jacobs, Mary, DeLashmuth, Elias Nelson, Elizabeth
Delashmutt, Elias Nelson 1741 1778   DeLashmuth, Elias Nelson, Elizabeth
Delashmutt, Elizabeth Ann 1740 1808 Boteler, Edward Lingan IV DeLashmuth, Elias Nelson, Elizabeth
Delashmutt, Lindsey 1751 5 October 1791 Trammell, Sarah DeLashmuth, Elias Nelson, Elizabeth
Delashmutt, Mary 1743 1786 Noland, Phillip DeLashmuth, Elias Nelson, Elizabeth
Delashmutt, Valentine 14 February 1674 1733 Nelson, Arthur