
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Calvert. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Calvert, Alan 5 September 1456 1481 Tempest, Agnes Calverley, Walter Scott Saville, Alice
Calvert, Alice 1612 8 May 1650 Townley, Lawrence  
Calvert, Ann 2 November 1650 17 October 1697 Hollingsworth, Valentine Calvert, Thomas Glasford, Jane
Calvert, C John 1648   Stamper, Judith  
Calvert, Christopher 21 October 1557     Calvert, John Leonard, Dorothy
Calvert, Edward 1560     Calvert, John Leonard, Dorothy
Calvert, Elizabeth 26 June 1664 25 December 1701 Toppen, Thomas Calvert, Thomas Glasford, Jane
Calvert, George 1579     Calvert, Leonard Crossland, Alicia
Calvert, John 1525 9 May 1566 Leonard, Dorothy Calvert, William Crossland, Alyse
Calvert, John 13 November 1556     Calvert, John Leonard, Dorothy
Calvert, John 1587 Myers, Grace Calvert, Leonard Crossland, Alicia
Calvert, John 6 October 1648 23 September 1699 Stamper, Judith Calvert, Thomas Glasford, Jane
Calvert, Leonard 23 August 1550 16 April 1611 Crossland, Alicia Calvert, John Leonard, Dorothy
Calvert, Margaret 24 June 1661 1 August 1687 Hollingsworth, Thomas Valentine, Calvert, Thomas Glasford, Jane
Calvert, Robert 1557 1645   Calvert, John Leonard, Dorothy
Calvert, Thomas 1549 April 1632   Calvert, John Leonard, Dorothy
Calvert, Thomas 17 December 1617 17 December 1685 Glasford, Jane, Calvert, John Myers, Grace
Calvert, Walter 5 August 1477 9 February 1559 Ewens, Margerie Calvert, Alan Tempest, Agnes
Calvert, Walter 1553     Calvert, John Leonard, Dorothy
Calvert, William 2 July 1500 9 February 1548 Crossland, Alyse Calvert, Walter Ewens, Margerie
Calvert, William 1554 1579   Calvert, John Leonard, Dorothy