
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Montgomerie. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Montgomerie, Alan De 20 January 1188 1234 Stair, Casillis de Montgomerie, John Kent, Helen De
Montgomerie, Alan de 1144 1221 St Martin, Mary Montgomery, Robert de Fitzalan, Marjory
Montgomerie, Alexander Knight of Ardrossan 2nd Lord Baron of Eglinton Master of Montgomery V 1462 1508 Cunningham, Elizabeth  
Montgomerie, Alexander de 1300 25 June 1388 Douglas, Margaret Montgomerie, John Erskine, Janet
Montgomerie, Alice Maria de 1105 1 September 1176 Fitz Gerald, William, Montgomery, Arnulph De O'Brien, Lafracoth
Montgomerie, Anne 1405 1450 Cunningham, Robert Lord Kilmaurs Montgomerie, John Ardrossan Eglinton MacDonald, Agnes Isles Baroness Montgomery
Montgomerie, Eol 1200    
Montgomerie, John 1170 1239 Kent, Helen De Montgomerie, Alan de St Martin, Mary
Montgomerie, John 1243 1316 Erskine, Janet Montgomerie, John de Murray, Margaret
Montgomerie, John Ardrossan Eglinton 1362 22 November 1429 MacDonald, Agnes Isles Baroness Montgomery, Maxwell, Margaret Montgomery, John Alexander de Eglinton, Elizabeth
Montgomerie, John de 1209 1285 Murray, Margaret Montgomerie, Alan De Stair, Casillis de
Montgomerie, Marie 1220 14 September 1256 Taillefer, William De Ango Montgomerie, Eol