This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sachsen. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Sachsen, Elesa de | about 435 | about 514 | , Ysaive | , Geuvia |
Sachsen, Ludolph Von “The Great” | 806 | 6 September 864 | Di Friuli, Helewise | Harcourt, Bruno von Sachsen I Count of Saxony Lord of Brunsberge Montfort, Sabana De |
Sachsen, Ludolphe Herzog von | 12 March 816 | 9 June 864 | Billung, Oda | |
Sachsen, Mathilde Maud von | 937 | 25 May 1008 | Verdun, Godfrey de | Billung, Hermann Saxony Westerbourg, Hildegarde von |
Sachsen, Oda Von | 850 | 874 | Stade, Lothar I Von | |
Sachsen, Warnechin von Engern | Von Rugen, Kunhilde |