
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sachsen. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Sachsen, Elesa de about 435 about 514 , Ysaive , Geuvia
Sachsen, Ludolph Von “The Great” 806 6 September 864 Di Friuli, Helewise Harcourt, Bruno von Sachsen I Count of Saxony Lord of Brunsberge Montfort, Sabana De
Sachsen, Ludolphe Herzog von 12 March 816 9 June 864 Billung, Oda  
Sachsen, Mathilde Maud von 937 25 May 1008 Verdun, Godfrey de Billung, Hermann Saxony Westerbourg, Hildegarde von
Sachsen, Oda Von 850 874 Stade, Lothar I Von  
Sachsen, Warnechin von Engern Von Rugen, Kunhilde