
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Crowe. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Crowe, Anne 1655     Crow, Thomas II Brantley, Mary Elizabeth
Crowe, Flossie Ellen 6 October 1895 23 March 1980 CARVER, Boyd Deloin, Chaney, Raymond Henry  
Crowe, Jewel Truman 29 December 1907 7 November 1958   Crow, Andrew Jackson"Jack" Ford, Mary Emma
Crowe, John 16 August 1561 23 March 1601 Bird, Olive Crow, John Hooker Hooker, Goodwife "Sarah"
Crowe, John Alvin 26 April 1885 26 September 1971 Hightower, Alice Anthony Crow, William Benjamin Tanner, Emma Lou
Crowe, John Thomas 1594 1688 Walsh, Anna Crowe, John Bird, Olive
Crowe, Nancy A. 1822 11 June 1892 Butler, John William Crow, George White, Sarah