
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Watts. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Watts, Alta 1905     Watts, Joseph Spiers Walsworth, Ollie Irene
Watts, Anna O February 1893     Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, Ardith Devora 4 January 1905 22 August 1967 Bailey, Austin Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, Clarence Nick 4 November 1894 10 May 1960 , [Living] Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, Elva E. April 1900   Rhoden, Rufus R. Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, Eva Virginia 9 August 1903 16 August 1974 Terral, Bailey Barron Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, Franklin Leland 24 April 1926 26 July 1997 Montgomery, Wilma Earline Watts, William Madison Wigley, Celia Ann
Watts, Gladys P. 30 January 1901 5 May 1990 Stevens, Robert Brown Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, Hope Asbury 20 November 1839 13 March 1877 Mills, Martha Louisa Watts, Joseph McConnell Winn, Mary O.
Watts, Ida Levina 8 September 1898 5 May 1993 Blankenship Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, Ina May 13 March 1908 October 1988 Walker, Carlos Edward Watts, William Hope "Willie" Douglas, Elizabeth Iris
Watts, Isola Ophelia 8 September 1896 June 1980 Harper, Samuel Ausbon Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, John Asbury 4 September 1860 2 July 1924   Watts, Hope Asbury Mills, Martha Louisa
Watts, John Edison 1 March 1893 February 1963 Savage, Violet Evelyn Watts, Joseph Spiers Walsworth, Ollie Irene
Watts, Joseph H. 11 January 1888 5 September 1944 , [Living] Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, Joseph McConnell 20 November 1817 11 March 1892 Lawrence, Sarah E, Winn, Mary O.  
Watts, Joseph Roy 30 June 1899 October 1976 , [Living] Watts, Joseph Spiers Walsworth, Ollie Irene
Watts, Joseph Spiers 23 January 1869 8 February 1952 Walsworth, Ollie Irene Watts, Hope Asbury Mills, Martha Louisa
Watts, Leola 10 May 1909 26 June 1981   Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, Lewis Eugene 13 February 1896     Watts, Joseph Spiers Walsworth, Ollie Irene
Watts, Mary Parthenia “Polly” 16 September 1866 1904 Huffman, Sherwood Cap Watts, Hope Asbury Mills, Martha Louisa
Watts, Mollie L. May 1891     Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, Morris Lavelle July 1899   Melton, Ruth Ethel Watts, Joseph Spiers Walsworth, Ollie Irene
Watts, Sarah Louisa Sallie 27 December 1870 22 November 1913 McBride, William Jonathan Watts, Hope Asbury Mills, Martha Louisa
Watts, Thomas Jefferson 7 May 1863 29 May 1944 Walker, Drucilla C. Watts, Hope Asbury Mills, Martha Louisa
Watts, Thomas Newton 17 December 1889 5 November 1952 , [Living] Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, Viola Mariah 18 January 1872 January 1957 McCrary, CW Tobe Watts, Hope Asbury Mills, Martha Louisa
Watts, William Hope “Willie” 31 August 1889 28 November 1933 Douglas, Elizabeth Iris Watts, Joseph Spiers Walsworth, Ollie Irene
Watts, William Madison 21 August 1886 6 April 1945 Wigley, Celia Ann Watts, Thomas Jefferson Walker, Drucilla C.
Watts, William Mills 4 September 1860 2 July 1924 Fuller, Alabama Judson Watts, Hope Asbury Mills, Martha Louisa
Watts, [Living]     Morton, Hubert Clifton “Cliff” Watts, Franklin Leland Montgomery, Wilma Earline
Watts, [Living]       Watts, Joseph Roy , [Living]
Watts, [Living]       Watts, Joseph Roy , [Living]
Watts, [Living]       Watts, Joseph Roy , [Living]
Watts, [Living]     Wood, [Living] Watts, Franklin Leland Montgomery, Wilma Earline
Watts, [Living]       Watts, [Living] Wood, [Living]
Watts, [Living]     White, [Living] Watts, [Living] Terrell, [Living]
Watts, [Living]       Watts, [Living] Terrell, [Living]
Watts, [Living]     Terrell, [Living] Watts, Franklin Leland Montgomery, Wilma Earline
Watts, [Living]       Watts, [Living] Terrell, [Living]
Watts, [Living]       Watts, [Living] White, [Living]
Watts, [Living]       Watts, [Living] White, [Living]
Watts, [Living]     Hall, Jacqueline Inez Watts, William Madison Wigley, Celia Ann
Watts, [Living]       Watts, William Madison Wigley, Celia Ann
Watts, [Living]       Watts, William Madison Wigley, Celia Ann