
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Ferguson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Ferguson, Alice Virginia 18 July 1872 14 April 1931 Obrien, James, Ferguson, John Bing Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt
Ferguson, Benjamin Pendleton 7 May 1802 26 November 1893 Sandusky, Susan, Masters, Matilda  
Ferguson, Francis Marion 23 August 1841 9 September 1906 Angelo, Julia Ann Ferguson, Benjamin Pendleton Sandusky, Susan
Ferguson, John Bing 8 July 1854 7 May 1918 Crum, Calista, , Minnie, Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt  
Ferguson, Sophia 18 January 1887 17 August 1939 Cranford, James Edward