This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Prather. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Prather, Ann | 12 April 1702 | 10 July 1738 | Odell, Henry | |
Prather, Eleanor | 1700 | 1732 | Williams, Thomas | Prather, Thomas Mackay Sprigg, Martha |
Prather, John | 12 June 1715 | 1 November 1796 | Odell, Rachel | |
Prather, John Smith | 1705 | 1763 | Nuthall, Elizabeth Hillary | |
Prather, Martha | 20 April 1730 | 1790 | Odell, James | |
Prather, Thomas M. Sprigg | 1704 | 24 July 1785 | Claggett, Elizabeth | |
Prather, Thomas Mackay | 1673 | 1712 | Sprigg, Martha | |
Prather, [Living] | Prather, John Odell, Rachel |