
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Prather. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Prather, Ann 12 April 1702 10 July 1738 Odell, Henry  
Prather, Eleanor 1700 1732 Williams, Thomas Prather, Thomas Mackay Sprigg, Martha
Prather, John 12 June 1715 1 November 1796 Odell, Rachel  
Prather, John Smith 1705 1763 Nuthall, Elizabeth Hillary  
Prather, Martha 20 April 1730 1790 Odell, James  
Prather, Thomas M. Sprigg 1704 24 July 1785 Claggett, Elizabeth  
Prather, Thomas Mackay 1673 1712 Sprigg, Martha  
Prather, [Living]       Prather, John Odell, Rachel