
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lawson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Lawson, Arvenzenia B. “Arvy” 12 March 1862 17 March 1909 Fike, James Richmond  
Lawson, Charlotte about 1827   Hart, Larkin  
Lawson, Mary 1819 12 January 1879 Cain, Thomas Benjamin  
Lawson, Mary Magdalen 1866 1945 Carter, George Monroe  
Lawson, Nicholas Fain 6 May 1842 22 April 1923 Keith, Martha A., Butler, Elizabeth Matilda  
Lawson, Rachel 1826 1871 Casey, Samuel Otterson  
Lawson, Wilma Elizabeth 27 July 1911 28 October 1992 Rood, Eddie Giffford, Butler, John Noble “Johnny”