
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Terrell. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Terrell, Donny Ray 17 July 1943 13 August 1998 Sanchez, [Living], Terrell, Howard C. Cranford, Violet Dealia
Terrell, Howard C. 19 September 1919 19 January 1946 Cranford, Violet Dealia Terrell, John James Claggett, Flora
Terrell, John James 7 January 1885 September 1961 Claggett, Flora  
Terrell, John William about 1915   Terrell, John James Claggett, Flora
Terrell, Kenneth Wayne 4 February 1934 1 July 2011 Baker, Barbara  
Terrell, Lee Rastus 2 February 1877 4 September 1900 Sharp, Nancy C.  
Terrell, Robert Henry 8 May 1923 31 October 1999   Terrell, John James Claggett, Flora
Terrell, Ruth Elizabeth 13 May 1912 14 May 2000   Terrell, John James Claggett, Flora
Terrell, Theodore James 27 April 1910 19 October 1990   Terrell, John James Claggett, Flora
Terrell, [Living]       Terrell, John James Claggett, Flora
Terrell, [Living]     Watts, [Living] Terrell, Kenneth Wayne Baker, Barbara