This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Gatlin. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Gatlin, Charles A. | 15 November 1858 | 2 April 1896 | Gatlin, William S. Van Note, Deborah C. | |
Gatlin, Emma Belle | 2 July 1864 | 23 October 1943 | Winfree, Peter Burl | Gatlin, William S. Van Note, Deborah C. |
Gatlin, Henry W. | about 1857 | 2 March 1935 | Gatlin, William S. Van Note, Deborah C. | |
Gatlin, Ida May | 24 June 1870 | 19 November 1944 | Miller, Julius | Gatlin, William S. Van Note, Deborah C. |
Gatlin, William S. | 2 September 1832 | 8 September 1893 | Winfrey, Lavina, Van Note, Deborah C., Hoover, Elizabeth |