
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Gatlin. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Gatlin, Charles A. 15 November 1858 2 April 1896   Gatlin, William S. Van Note, Deborah C.
Gatlin, Emma Belle 2 July 1864 23 October 1943 Winfree, Peter Burl Gatlin, William S. Van Note, Deborah C.
Gatlin, Henry W. about 1857 2 March 1935   Gatlin, William S. Van Note, Deborah C.
Gatlin, Ida May 24 June 1870 19 November 1944 Miller, Julius Gatlin, William S. Van Note, Deborah C.
Gatlin, William S. 2 September 1832 8 September 1893 Winfrey, Lavina, Van Note, Deborah C., Hoover, Elizabeth