
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Maxwell. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Maxwell, Agnes Kennedy, Gilbert  
Maxwell, Agnes Kennedy, Gilbert  
Maxwell, Catherine 1408 1484 Kennedy, Gilbert I  
Maxwell, Diana 1623 3 May 1675 Cecil, Charles Maxwell, James Boussoyne, Elizabeth De
Maxwell, Herbert 1366 16 October 1421 Stewart, Katherine  
Maxwell, Herbert 1388 1454 Seton, Catherine  
Maxwell, James 1576 19 April 1650 Boussoyne, Elizabeth De  
Maxwell, John 1512 20 January 1583 Herries, Agnes Maxwell, Robert Baron 5th Lord Douglas, Janet Baroness Glamis
Maxwell, Margaret 1368 1443 Montgomerie, John Ardrossan Eglinton Maxwell, Herbert Stewart, Katherine
Maxwell, Margaret 8 January 1557 8 January 1617 Kerr, Mark Earl van Lothian Maxwell, John Herries, Agnes
Maxwell, Mary Jane 14 November 1847 25 August 1926 Masters, Joseph Marion  
Maxwell, Robert Baron 5th Lord 1493 9 July 1546 Douglas, Janet Baroness Glamis