
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hoghton. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hoghton, Adam 1380 1425   Houghton, Richard De Radcliff, Joanna
Hoghton, Adam De 1315 1386 Venables, Ellen, , Phillippa Hoghton, Richard de Lea, Sibilla De
Hoghton, Adam de 1225 1259 Howick, Aurelia Hocton, Adam , Agnes
Hoghton, Adam de 1254 1290 , Agnes Hoghton, Adam de Howick, Aurelia
Hoghton, Isabel De 1385 1524 Haydock, Gilbert Houghton, Richard De Radcliff, Joanna
Hoghton, Richard de 1279 1345 Lea, Sibilla De Hoghton, Adam de , Agnes