This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wade. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Wade, Eleanor | 1711 | 1779 | Magruder, Samuel | |
Wade, Elias Earl | 23 January 1832 | 12 October 1915 | Richards, Harriet Hannah, Bowman, Margaret Ann | |
Wade, Frances Jane “Fannie” | 15 March 1838 | 15 January 1921 | Howton, Abraham | |
Wade, Mary | 1625 | 22 January 1665 | Hampton, Thomas Rev. | |
Wade, Mary | 10 April 1834 | 12 December 1903 | Bowman, Ezekial K. | |
Wade, Mary E. | December 1846 | Payne, Oscar Alonzo | ||
Wade, Robert | 1675 | 4 December 1713 | Sprigg, Elizabeth, | |
Wade, Sarah | 17 August 1662 | 17 March 1701 | Westall, George Jr. | |
Wade, Sarah Jane | 26 November 1852 | 25 September 1940 | Payne, Oscar Alonzo, Riggs, William | |
Wade, Susannah | 1750 | 1788 | Morris, Samuel Coleman | Wade, William Cawthon, Ann |
Wade, William | 1725 | 2 November 1771 | Cawthon, Ann |