
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Story. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Story, Cyrus about 1835 1896 Sturgis, Margaret Melinda  
Story, Effie M. January 1867 after 1900   Story, Cyrus Sturgis, Margaret Melinda
Story, Eliza Jennie about 1859   Story, Cyrus Sturgis, Margaret Melinda
Story, Mary Frances 26 April 1857 9 April 1925 Lanham, James Thomas (Dick) Story, Cyrus Sturgis, Margaret Melinda
Story, Mattie about 1862 ABT 1880/1900   Story, Cyrus Sturgis, Margaret Melinda
Story, Nellie about 1866 ABT 1880/1900   Story, Cyrus Sturgis, Margaret Melinda