
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Meschines. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Meschines, Adeliza Alice De 1096 1136 Clare, Richard De DeMeschines, Ranulph I Chester Taillebois, Lucy
Meschines, Amicia De 1167 1200 Mainwaring, Rafe de  
Meschines, Hawise Kevelioc De 1180 1243 Quincy, Robert De Meschines, Hugh Kevelioc De Earl of Chester Montfort, Bertrade DE
Meschines, Hugh Kevelioc De Earl of Chester 1147 30 June 1181 Montfort, Bertrade DE  
Meschines, Mabel De 1173 1233 D'Aubigny, William IV Earl of Arundel , Ranulf
Meschines, Maud de 1126 1190 Mortimer, Hugh de  
Meschines, Sir Hugh Kevelioc Chester de 1147 30 June 1181 Montfort, Bertrade De Countess of Chester