
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Pearson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Pearson 1497 before 21 October 1570  
Pearson, Agnes 1545 1546   Pearson, John , Catherine
Pearson, John 1517 21 October 1570 , Catherine Pearson
Pearson, John Deacon 17 February 1610 22 December 1693 Pickard, Mary Dorcas Pearson, Nicholas Hoppman, Elizabeth
Pearson, John 27 December 1644 12 March 1723 Pickard, Mary Pearson, John Deacon Pickard, Mary Dorcas
Pearson, Mary Angeline 1 January 1847 15 September 1904 Claypool, William Hayden  
Pearson, Nicholas 1584 1684 Hoppman, Elizabeth Pearson, William Bushbie, Alison
Pearson, Robert 1539 19 November 1581   Pearson, John , Catherine
Pearson, Sarah 7 April 1672 9 January 1735 Plummer, Jonathan Pearson, John Pickard, Mary
Pearson, William 1541 1587 Collin XiV, Julian XIV, Bushbie, Alison Pearson, John , Catherine