
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Grotz. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Grotz, Catharina 14 October 1864 1 September 1865   Grotz, Johan Conrad Groezinger, Marie Magdalene
Grotz, Christina Magdalena 21 September 1861     Grotz, Johan Conrad Groezinger, Marie Magdalene
Grotz, Conrad Friedrich 11 August 1858 10 October 1921   Grotz, Johan Conrad Groezinger, Marie Magdalene
Grotz, Jakob Friedrich 5 March 1860 29 MäR 1937 Knoll, Karoline Grotz, Johan Conrad Groezinger, Marie Magdalene
Grotz, Johan Conrad 15 January 1830 10 April 1878 Groezinger, Marie Magdalene  
Grotz, Karoline 6 October 1867 5 February 1953 Weil, Christian Wilhelm Grotz, Johan Conrad Groezinger, Marie Magdalene
Grotz, Katharine 28 MäR 1870     Grotz, Johan Conrad Groezinger, Marie Magdalene
Grotz, Luisa Friederika 9 May 1863     Grotz, Johan Conrad Groezinger, Marie Magdalene
Grotz, Marie Friederike 7 February 1857 26 November 1885   Grotz, Johan Conrad Groezinger, Marie Magdalene