
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Gottsch. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Gottsch, Amanda 8 October 1886 27 March 1988 Winterburn, William Henry Gottsch, Charles Carl Frederick Jansen, Catherina Carolina
Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry 8 March 1897 13 November 1994 Huber, Mary Mabel Gottsch, Benhart Henry Gottsch, Helene Albertine
Gottsch, Arthur Lavern “Bud” Jr 26 November 1920 1 February 2013 Klintworth, Anita Katherine Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, Ben Alfred Jr. 17 September 1900 5 August 1993 Timperley, Florence Blanche Gottsch, Benhart Henry Gottsch, Helene Albertine
Gottsch, Benhart Henry 17 January 1874 25 October 1952 Gottsch, Helene Albertine Gottsch, Charles Carl Frederick Jansen, Catherina Carolina
Gottsch, Bernard George ‘Pat’ 28 March 1925 7 October 2014 Borowiak, Gloria A. Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, Betty Jean 25 January 1928 27 January 2008 Travis, William D. Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, Carlena 24 April 1875 20 October 1921 Hansen, Hans C. Gottsch, Charles Carl Frederick Jansen, Catherina Carolina
Gottsch, Charles Carl Frederick 2 August 1846 26 February 1934 Jansen, Catherina Carolina Gottsch, Claus Clouse Charles Johnk, Bertha Catharina
Gottsch, Charles Julius 19 October 1898 17 September 1985 French, Ruth Leota Gottsch, Benhart Henry Gottsch, Helene Albertine
Gottsch, Charles Otto 9 April 1877 5 May 1976 Luschen, Anna Katherine Gottsch, Charles Carl Frederick Jansen, Catherina Carolina
Gottsch, Claus Clouse Charles 3 September 1800 23 August 1878 Stahl, Trine, Johnk, Bertha Catharina  
Gottsch, Emil Johannes 27 January 1870 30 November 1966   Goettsche, Friedrich Johann Christian Puck, Antje
Gottsch, Emma Adele 5 September 1867 2 August 1953   Goettsche, Friedrich Johann Christian Puck, Antje
Gottsch, Fred H about 1901 Hoier, Marie Christine  
Gottsch, Frederick Charles J. 25 October 1869 15 June 1935 , Emma Adele Gottsch, Charles Carl Frederick Jansen, Catherina Carolina
Gottsch, Glenn H. 5 July 1912 26 November 1983 Larsen, Voneita D. Gottsch, Benhart Henry Gottsch, Helene Albertine
Gottsch, Gretje 27 April 1840 1910 Klindt, Claus Heinrich Gottsch, Claus Clouse Charles Stahl, Trine
Gottsch, Harland Glen 26 November 1913 27 November 1986 Rosenbaum, Lola Naomi Gottsch, Benhart Henry Gottsch, Helene Albertine
Gottsch, Heinrich 19 November 1842 30 April 1868 , Minna Gottsch, Claus Clouse Charles Stahl, Trine
Gottsch, Heinrich Henry Julius 27 January 1870 11 April 1930   Goettsche, Friedrich Johann Christian Puck, Antje
Gottsch, Helene Albertine 8 April 1874 3 October 1952 Gottsch, Benhart Henry Goettsche, Friedrich Johann Christian Puck, Antje
Gottsch, Kate A September 1895     Gottsch, Benhart Henry Gottsch, Helene Albertine
Gottsch, Louisa Sophie Margrethe 14 July 1850 9 February 1942 Jipp, Hans Carl Frederick Gottsch, Claus Clouse Charles Johnk, Bertha Catharina
Gottsch, Lyle Raymond 25 June 1922 15 November 2012 Thierolf, [Living] Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, Mabel H. 1905 19 October 1966   Gottsch, Benhart Henry Gottsch, Helene Albertine
Gottsch, Margaret 13 September 1881 17 October 1920 Misfeldt, Henry Gottsch, Charles Carl Frederick Jansen, Catherina Carolina
Gottsch, Merta 12 September 1895 19 October 1966   Gottsch, Benhart Henry Gottsch, Helene Albertine
Gottsch, Opal Mylet 12 March 1919 5 July 1998 Stork, Gilbert William Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, Pearl 12 March 1919 12 March 1919   Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, Peter Claus 29 April 1845 23 June 1934 Gorton, Sally Clark Gottsch, Claus Clouse Charles Johnk, Bertha Catharina
Gottsch, Robert Glenn 10 September 1926 28 June 2002 Ruff, Lois Ann Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, Rosemary Ann 3 February 1935 2 August 2005 Christopherson, Leonard Don Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel
Gottsch, [Living]       Gottsch, Ben Alfred Jr. Timperley, Florence Blanche
Gottsch, [Living]       Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry Huber, Mary Mabel