
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Myles. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Myles, Alice about 1550 after 1570 Alvyngham, Raphe Harry  
Myles, Jane 14 September 1598 1660 Carter, William Anscell III Myles, John Alvyngham, Joan
Myles, John 6 February 1573 30 October 1597 Alvyngham, Joan Miles, Morris
Myles, Marie 1594 6 April 1607   Myles, John Alvyngham, Joan
Myles, Maurice 1596 7 April 1602   Myles, John Alvyngham, Joan
Myles, Richard 1589   Myles, John Alvyngham, Joan
Myles, Thomas 1603     Myles, John Alvyngham, Joan