
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Coy. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Coy, Fred Lee 1 May 1893 27 March 1951 Butler, Beulah Ellen  
Coy, Fred Lee Jr. 11 June 1916 24 November 1993 King, Opal Irene Coy, Fred Lee Butler, Beulah Ellen
Coy, Goldie Evelyn 24 June 1922 16 September 1992 Hendricks, Charles “Spiz” Elmer Coy, Fred Lee Butler, Beulah Ellen
Coy, John Lee 21 February 1913 13 January 2000 Brashear, Zula Stafford Coy, Fred Lee Butler, Beulah Ellen
Coy, Lena Ellen 18 January 1915 12 October 2000 Shipley, Orland Clyde Hawk Coy, Fred Lee Butler, Beulah Ellen
Coy, Perry Eugene 8 November 1924 14 October 2013 Landrum, Nina Ruth, Kauffman, Mary Louise Coy, Fred Lee Butler, Beulah Ellen
Coy, Phoebe Jane 19 April 1820 1870 Howard, John