
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Waters. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Waters, Elizabeth 1714 2 June 1775 Gatton, Thomas G.  
Waters, James Harvey 9 December 1853 14 March 1938 George, Alice  
Waters, John 1600 1690 , Penelope  
Waters, Lewis Franklin 8 April 1905 28 June 1987 Crow, Lennie Cordelia  
Waters, Lucy 1730 1796 Nelson, Arthur Waters, William Duvall, Rachel
Waters, Mary 1620 20 November 1652 Gaither, John Waters, John , Penelope
Waters, Mary 18 September 1689 11 August 1769 Talbott, John  
Waters, Orley Morton Dr. 20 October 1883 14 March 1934 Chaney, Lena Mary  
Waters, Stephen 1725 14 March 1806 Duckett, Jane  
Waters, William 14 May 1699 19 March 1743 Duvall, Rachel