
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Poore. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Poore, Abigail 26 March 1660 1 April 1660   Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, Abigail 5 August 1661 2 February 1702 Ilsley, Isaac Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, Alice 2 June 1618 1 December 1680 Little or Littell, George Poore, John Daniel Sr. Dane, Joan
Poore, Daniel 1643     Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnham, Sarah Louise
Poore, Daniel 5 September 1656 30 July 1735 Osgood, Mehitable Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, Daniel Thomas 9 February 1624 8 June 1689 Farnham, Sarah Louise, Farnum, Mary Mehitable Poore, John Daniel Sr. Dane, Joan
Poore, Deborah 18 April 1664 29 November 1724   Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, Edward 4 April 1658 1659   Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, Elizabeth 1647     Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnham, Sarah Louise
Poore, Elizabeth 8 November 1647 26 November 1697   Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, Elizabeth 15 April 1662 1700 Marston, Jacob Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, Hannah 14 October 1645 1649 Ilsley, Elisha Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, Hannah 6 May 1660 17 February 1745 Dane, Francis Lt. Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, Henry 13 December 1650 1707 Hale, Abigail Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, Jane 29 September 1647 14 November 1690 Whitney, Benjamin Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnham, Sarah Louise
Poore, John 1562 7 April 1590 Reade, Dorothy Poore, Wyllyam , Margarett
Poore, John 1615 21 November 1684 Harlow, Sarah Poore, John Daniel Sr. Dane, Joan
Poore, John 5 September 1658 24 December 1690 Kent, Rebecca Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, John B. 21 June 1642 15 February 1700 Titcomb, Mary Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, John Daniel Sr. 1590 1648 Dane, Joan Poore, John Reade, Dorothy
Poore, Joseph 4 October 1653 1732 Wallingford, Mary Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, Lucy 28 September 1670 25 June 1759 Astin, Samuel Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, Lydia 5 December 1656 30 July 1735 Titcomb, Penuel Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, Mary 21 March 1651 1716 Noyes, John Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, Mary 6 March 1652 8 September 1652   Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, Mary Esther 1650 1723 Whitney, Benjamin  
Poore, Matthew 4 November 1654 1654   Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, Nickolas 1617 18 January 1694   Poore, John Daniel Sr. Dane, Joan
Poore, Priscilla 22 June 1667 30 July 1735 Moore, Abraham Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, Ruth 16 February 1665 19 February 1739 Stevens, John Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, Samuel 14 October 1623 31 December 1683 Church, Rebecca Poore, John Daniel Sr. Dane, Joan
Poore, Samuel 14 October 1653 29 November 1727   Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, Samuel 14 October 1653 29 November 1727   Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, Sarah 5 June 1655 30 July 1735 Sawyer, John Poore, John Harlow, Sarah
Poore, Sarah 1669 19 February 1739   Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnum, Mary Mehitable
Poore, Thomas 1622 7 February 1695   Poore, John Daniel Sr. Dane, Joan
Poore, Thomas 16 April 1639 1673   Poore, Daniel Thomas Farnham, Sarah Louise
Poore, Wyllyam 1540 , Margarett