
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sinclair. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Sinclair, Eleanor 19 April 1457 21 March 1518 Stewart, John Earl van Buchan Lord Auchterhouse Sinclair, William Sutherland, Marjory
Sinclair, Henry 1527 7 January 1602 Forbes, Elizabeth  
Sinclair, Janet 1470 21 October 1524 Fraser, Andrew Sinclair, Laurence Strang, Janet
Sinclair, Katherine 12 May 1734 Tait, Thomas  
Sinclair, Laurence Strang, Janet  
Sinclair, Mariota 1435 1496 Kerr, George  
Sinclair, William 1404 1480 Sutherland, Marjory  
Sinclair, William of Mey 1575 1643 Ross, Katherine