Fitz William

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Fitz William. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Fitz William, Ann 1492 5 June 1588 Cooke, Anthony  
Fitz William, Beatrice 1074 1168 Paynel, Fulk Fitz Ansculf, William Mortaigne., Agnes De
Fitz William, Beatrice 1450 6 October 1522 Woodrove, Richard  
Fitz William, Dionise 1214 1242 Daiville, Robert Fitz William, Thomas Bertram, Agnes
Fitz William, Elizabeth 1337 1416 Musgrave, Thomas Fitz William, William Deincourt, Isabel
Fitz William, John 1298 10 August 1349 Reresby, Joan De  
Fitz William, Mary Elizabeth 1510 Shelley, John  
Fitz William, Thomas 1190 1242 Bertram, Agnes Fitz William, William Plantagenet, Adela
Fitz William, William 1174 12 February 1219 Plantagenet, Adela Fitz Godric, William Lisoures, Albreda De
Fitz William, William 1318 11 April 1340 Deincourt, Isabel Fitz William, John Reresby, Joan De