
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Carpenter. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Carpenter, Daniel 9 June 1703 2 May 1748 Wiswell, Mary  
Carpenter, Green Q. 5 June 1829 31 January 1898 Moorman, Nancy Jane  
Carpenter, Mary Jane 16 December 1834 16 August 1913 Claypool, Joseph J., Claypool, George W.  
Carpenter, Mercy 2 May 1714 1760 Wiswall, Ichabod  
Carpenter, Mildred C. 2 February 1843 17 July 1917 Claypool, Austin Jefferson  
Carpenter, Priscilla 1630   Wright, William  
Carpenter, Sarah Elizabeth 22 January 1856 28 February 1947 Wright, Albert Jackson, Pritchard, Job Esbond Carpenter, Green Q. Moorman, Nancy Jane