This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Cross. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Cross, Anna | 1690 | 5 January 1715 | Hart, Joseph | Cross, Stephen Cheney, Elizabeth |
Cross, Elizabeth | 1665 | 12 March 1736 | Storey, Seth | Cross, Stephen Cheney, Elizabeth |
Cross, Harry Lee | 6 January 1893 | 27 March 1957 | Butler, Rhoda | |
Cross, John | 1687 | 1730 | Cross, Stephen Cheney, Elizabeth | |
Cross, Nathaniel | 2 April 1686 | 15 April 1686 | Cross, Stephen Cheney, Elizabeth | |
Cross, Onard Lee | 26 September 1914 | 14 November 1987 | Halburnt, [Living] | Cross, Harry Lee Butler, Rhoda |
Cross, Robert | 1691 | 6 June 1738 | Graves, Elizabeth | Cross, Stephen Cheney, Elizabeth |
Cross, Sarah | 1675 | 31 July 1748 | Dutch, Benjamin | Cross, Stephen Cheney, Elizabeth |
Cross, Stephen | 26 December 1647 | 5 January 1704 | Cheney, Elizabeth | |
Cross, Stephen | 1683 | 12 February 1713 | Jackson, Sarah | Cross, Stephen Cheney, Elizabeth |
Cross, [Living] | Cross, Onard Lee Halburnt, [Living] |