
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Shawver. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Shawver, Everett Elsworth 10 August 1888 10 July 1961 Tarrent, Elsie Lola Shawver, Lee Karr, Mary Elizabeth
Shawver, John Alexander 12 June 1905 5 September 1972 Taton, Ida Loretta Shawver, Lee Karr, Mary Elizabeth
Shawver, Lee 1 April 1865 26 July 1947 Karr, Mary Elizabeth, McGuckin, Lillian K  
Shawver, Mary Ethel 8 March 1892 21 April 1964 Allen, Etna Ward Shawver, Lee Karr, Mary Elizabeth
Shawver, William Arthur 28 April 1890 12 April 1962 Rupe, Pearl Francis, , [Living] Shawver, Lee Karr, Mary Elizabeth