This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Rankin. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Rankin, Alexander | 1628 | 12 February 1689 | , Maria | Rankin, James Steadman, Marion |
Rankin, Andrew | 1570 | 28 August 1616 | Patoun, Margaret, | |
Rankin, James | 1595 | 22 July 1667 | Steadman, Marion | Rankin, Andrew Patoun, Margaret |
Rankin, Martha | 1650 | 1695 | Neely, John Selge, Blair, John | Rankin, Alexander , Maria |
Rankin, Mary Ann “Molly” | 7 November 1853 | 20 December 1911 | Gilpin, Marion Frances | |
Rankin, William | 1824 | Masters, Amanda Wanda |