
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Goushill. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Goushill, Adam 1154 1201 Vere, Gundreda de Goushill, Robert De Ingram, Adele
Goushill, Elizabeth 1396 1491 Wingfield, Robert Goushill, Robert Fitz Alan, Elizabeth
Goushill, Joan 1401 1460 Stanley, Thomas Goushill, Robert Fitz Alan, Elizabeth
Goushill, John de 1235 1271 , Agnes Goushill, Walter de Hathersage, Matilda
Goushill, Margaret De 12 May 1294 29 July 1349 Ros, George de  
Goushill, Margaret de 12 May 1294 29 July 1349 Ros, John de  
Goushill, Nicholas 1316 18 January 1393 Goushill, Thomas , Agnes
Goushill, Ralph 1188 16 March 1241 Heveringham, Maud De Goushill, Robert De Ingram, Adele
Goushill, Robert 1360 21 July 1403 Fitz Alan, Elizabeth, Bracebrugge, Joan Goushill, Nicholas
Goushill, Robert De 1135 1203 Ingram, Adele Goxhill, Erneis De Amcliffe, Ailinore De
Goushill, Thomas 1289 21 December 1371 , Agnes Goushill, Walter de , Margery
Goushill, Walter de 1213 1241 Hathersage, Matilda Goushill, Ralph Heveringham, Maud De
Goushill, Walter de 1260 2 October 1326 , Margery Goushill, John de , Agnes